Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Remotedesktop through Proxy Server

I am wondering if I can remote desktop through a proxy server? Rather where do I specify the proxy configuration in the 'Remote Desktop Connection' client application.

I was just reading through an article on using Remote Desktop Connection through a proxy server and this dude tells me that if either the client or the server if behind the firewall and the port 3389 is not open the connection is not going work -- this is realy crap.
I guess I will have keep searching to find some indy software that can do the job.


Vivek said...

Well I seem to have got somemore information,
this sites gives a bit more information. I should try that out when I get back home.

Actually I can have a look at it right now.

Vivek said...

After searching around a lot, I accidently stumbled upon bitvise that solves the problem. Look at this post

Jijesh said...

TeamViewer - a best solution for remote desktop sharing behind firewall and proxy server.