Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Some usefull urls for MobiMap MiDLet development

Used this article and the corresponding code to create a compressed ( rather Quntized) png image for my mobile application.
Color Quantization Article at
Image issues with J2me(Nice Article from sun site)
Url for testing my ASP.NET application for image Conversion
Url for testing my ASP.NET application for image Conversion using Quantization

I used some PNG and JPEG FAQs from this site to get some information about
JPEG and PNG format and Quntizations and compression etc.
Nice site for all FAQ.s

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Formula 1

Ranjay took this since he liked the female

This is the pic he was actually supposed to take

And one more

One more

Ranjay is 2 pints down

On the road

asking for directions

Crowd , I guess most of them are for f1

We had plans to go to Masala Zone after F1.

We had to take this once - Look on Ranjays face after he had the great Biryani at Masala zone

He really loves the Biryani ...with dal all around it. Something that he always wanted